"There are already more than 14 thousand small producers and producers improving their living conditions"
Fundacion Aldea complements the specialized financial services provided by Aldea Global Jinotega, through social development projects, implemented in the coffee communities where our +14 thousand associated producers live.
Fundación Aldea develops community-based projects through its three programs: Nuestro Hogar Feliz, Nuestra Finca Sostenible y Nuestra Filantropía Comunitaria focused on Gender Equity and Technology.
Vision of Fundación Aldea: We are a Leading Foundation that promotes human development and future opportunities for our families and rural communities.
Mission of Fundación Aldea Improve the quality of life of associated families through health projects, education, competitive farms and resilient in rural communities empowered in harmony with God.
Nuestro Hogar Feliz:
For Fundación Aldea, "Nuestro Hogar Feliz" implies resilience, equity, inclusion, psychosocial well-being and harmonious relationships between men and women and the different generations that live in the home. It also points to living conditions such as decent and appropriate housing with enough space and security, especially for girls and women.
Access to appropriate services for their quality of life and especially the availability of quality water and sanitation are key.
Nuestra Finca Sostenible:
Fundación Aldea considers the farm as an integral system of natural resources – water, soil, forest, biodiversity and its ecosystem services – and productive sub-systems such as coffee, cocoa, basic grains, small and large livestock,
beekeeping, among others, as well as the set of agroforestry systems and environmentally friendly practices.
Nuestra Filantropía Comunitaria:
Community Philanthropy is defined as "a development model that has the participation of producers and producers, associates and associates who promote self-management of their well-being from rural communities,
through the development of their organizational capacities, active participation of the families of the community and contribute with their economic contributions, local resources to achieve their goals and objectives” .
Fundación Aldea considers the farm as an integral system of natural resources (water, soil, forest, biodiversity and their ecosystem services) and productive sub-systems of the producers' crops.
-It is defined as "a development model that has the participation of producers and producers,
associates who promote the self-management of their well-being from rural communities.-"
"Nuestro Hogar Feliz" implies resilience, equity, inclusion, psychosocial well-being and harmonious relationships between men and women and the different generations that live in the home in dignified and appropriate conditions.
-Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICpD) are integrated as a transversal approach to be able to scale the services of Fundación Aldea and thus be able to reach the largest number of Aldea Families even in real time.
-Gender equality “A set of ideas, beliefs and social values in relation to sexual difference, gender, equality and justice in relation to
behaviors, functions, opportunities, value and relationships between men and women."
Samples of experiences
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